10 Simple Swaps To Get Moving In The Right Direction

Weight loss, adapting a healthier lifestyle, etc is sometimes overwhelming. With so many diet choices and ideas out there what is the RIGHT one for you to do? Well here is some news for you (which most of you probably already know) ….most “diets” don’t work but that discussion is for another day. The TRUE key to really losing weight, getting healthy and staying that way is to make a lifestyle change. A sure fire way to fail at trying to change is to go ALL IN at the beginning. Why? Because if you restrict yourself from everything, and completely try to change who you are overnight you will fail at some point. When you do you will be that much more likely to give up or really really blow it and turn one failure into a multi day, week or month fail.

That is why  baby steps, adapting changes over a period of time and instilling them in your life for the long run is key. That way you can learn to realize that there will be days when you aren’t perfect, but if you are just focusing on small changes you can jump right back where you left off the next day.

Here are 10 easy steps to get you started going in the right direction:

1 – Start with Water…. DRINK IT


  • Do you drink enough each day? Most of us don’t. But we NEED to, its imperative to weight loss and keeping our bodies functioning how they should.
  • Did you know simply increasing your water intake you can increase your metabolic rate by as much as 30%? Our bodies NEED to stay hydrated. We are made up of 70% water and we need it to ensure our systems function correctly. Start with just adding 1 more glass a day and work your way up to 8-10. Or do like I do and aim to get 3 1 liter bottles in a day. (ps. get over it you’re going to have to pee 😉 )
  • Read more here.

2 – Don’t go down inside aisles at the grocery store

  • Confused with this one? Well the inside aisles primarily contain PROCESSED foods. We all know what these contain… fake stuff. Fake stuff our bodies can’t process. The outside of the grocery store normally consists of whole foods. Think lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, etc. This is what our bodies need.

3 – Take your lunch atleast 4 days a week to work.

  • Something as simple as this can make a big difference not only on your waist line but in your bank account as well. Preparing lunch gives you control. You never know what is in the stuff you order at restaurants. They may have a grilled option of something but they may load it up with butter when they “grill” it…. And salads…. don’t even get me started on these “healthy” options. If they are doused in dressing… you are probably better off getting a burger.

4 – Buy a food scale and measure EVERYTHING

  • Yes everything. This goes in hand with taking your lunch or making any meal for that matter. Most of us don’t pay attention to portion sizes. That can WRECK your nutrition. Look at nutrition labels, most lean proteins servings are are 3-4 oz so that is what you should aim for each meal. Complex carbs, and even fats can be used with one as well.

5 – Drink a cup of lemon water when you first get up


  • Research shows this helps get your metabolism going first thing in the morning. It also helps flush out toxins you may have in ya and gets you hydrated too. It can even help lubricate joints and increase liver function (for those of us who like a drink now and then this is a plus 😉 ).

6 – Download a tracker app


  • My fitness pal or something of that nature to help you really see what you are eating each day. I love my fitness pal for the nutrition tracking,  I honestly don’t care for it in regards to the exercise component as its too generic in my opinion. But with nutrition being the biggest component of a weightloss journey, tracking what you eat (calories, carbs, fats, proteins) can make a big difference and be a BIG eye opener.

7- Do something for 10 minutes when you first get up.

  • This can be something as simple as running in place, or crunches or push ups. You can do intervals or whatever, even if it is only 5 minutes to start. It will get your mind right and moving in the right direction!

8 – Set a timer on your phone every 2 hours to remind yourself to walk around your office

  • If you sit all day this is HUGE! Sitting at a desk all day can really really impair your weight loss progress. Even if it is literally just to walk to bathroom or get some water or coffee, getting moving will help your metabolic rate stay up. Research on this subject show that sitting 8-12 hours a day can increase your risk of getting type 2 diabetes by 90%.

8 – Move your scale out of your direct eye site

  • Weighing yourself every day will only mess with your head. frustrationBelieve me I have been there. Our bodies can fluctuate day to day easily, even morning to night. Weigh yourself in the morning when you have no food in you, and then do it later in the day and it will ABSOLUTELY be different. Hello food that you ate.
  • ONLY weigh yourself once every few weeks and at the SAME TIME of day.  Remember muscle gain (which we need to burn fat) can cancel out weight on the scale because it is denser. How your clothes fit and how you feel is what matters not what the scale says.

9 – Cut back on alcohol.

  • Yes you read that right. Alcohol can deter progress because it is an “empty” calories. Meaning it does nothing for you, except slow your metabolism and dehydrate you. Two things you DONT want when trying to lose weight. If you are going to drink, choose mixers like soda water and add lime, or drink 1 glass of wine not a whole bottle :).


SLEEP Atlanta Personal Trainer

  • Again just like drinking water, fail on this step and it will only slow you down. Your body repairs itself at night, and resets cortisol levels which help regulate your body. Aim to get even 1 more hour a night than you do now if you struggle here. Start winding down earlier, shut down your phone and tablets. Focus on you! ( And if you need help in this area check these out )